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INCIDENT.NET / Paris, France
function // technology /existence date of foundation / 1994 /Gr�gory Chatonsky & KRN. http://incident.net
Artists: Vadim Bernard, Gr�gory Chatonsky, Marika Dermineur, Reynald Drouhin, Maja Korac, KRN, Julie Morel & Micha�l Sellam
Suspend the stream of the network. One moment. Produce perceptions, waste time, give it. Infer differences and dissonances, interferences. No information to be found, suspension of the instrumentality: a perceptive
drift. Leave of the medium and look for the language, write. Appropriate computer programming as Logos rather than as Ratio. Interrogate articulation between the affectivity and the machine, our prosthesis.
Articulate plastic, narrative, structural, informative, social parameters. Work alone or with the others on a given theme. Introduce the other into the process of production as part of the network and the anonymity.
Incident in the sense of incidence, the tiny resists in the cybernetic megapole. An obstacle in the indifference of the information. Build uninhabitable spaces. |
Schloss Ringenberg / Euregio project GAP/ Lower Rhine / Germany /
between Duisburg and Arnhem. The baroque building offers ten studios for artists in residence and 320 qm baroque exhibtion space. On different levels exchange activities are initiated connecting institutions of the
area like museums, artists' initiatives or art academies. The new Euregio project focus actual unconventionel strategies of conveying young art to the public". Curator: Dr. Gudrun Bott
http://www.schloss-ringenberg.de |
MEDIENTURM / Graz, Austria http://www.medienturm.at
The art association Medienturm was founded in May 2000; it designsevents on media immanent aspects of experimental contemporary art. The programmatic core of the Medienturm is the connection of media art works
with current media cultural and media theoretical phenomena. Also the Medienturm offers a curated online platform; media-related theories and artistic projects are continuously published and critizised under http://www.medienturm.at/mt/forum. (Sandro Droschl) |
museum-kunst-palast, Duesseldorf, German
global / art / programm... http://www.museum-kunst-palast.de http://www.museum-kunst-palast.de/dt/sites/s5s2.asp
here: departement: cultural development / Director: Marie Luise Syring / the diskursive museum / here / meetings with artists and curators for contemporary music, video
and performance takes place. This is the terrain of the sciences, philosophy, the social and political discourses. A forum of the interdisciplinary, intellectual argument with current topics of the present,
with works of art and critics and with all exhibition projects of the museum kunst palast. |
sculptureproject ///
sculpture-axle / Germany-The Netherlands /Scandinavia-Spain in progress concept // ... common history ... 12 european artists....communication... Europe work / 12 land art sculptures / in progress http://www.skulpturen-achse.de Sculpture Project /
Gesellschaft Niederrheinischer Landschaftsskulpturen-Achse e.V., Idea: Christoph Wilmsen-Wiegmann in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Christian Holland, Klaus Fassin, Dr. W. Kriegel, Franz Josef van der Grinten
(Museum Schloss Moyland/Josef Beuys Collection), Prof. Heinz Mack,... |
VARGAS ORGANISATION, London, GB Founded in 1992 by Anthony Auerbach, Vargas Organisation, London, produces events, exhibitions, editions, propaganda, archives, pamphlets and toys.
The organisation is a platform for collaborative activities, perverse pursuits and the disintegration of authorship. http://www.vargas.org.uk/projects/video_as/index.html |
VIDEOART-SUITE.DK, Denmark http://www.videoart.suite.dk
Global Calendar:Video/New Media Art Festivals; Danish Video Art Data Bank;
Archives; Video Art; Media Art Preservation; Essays. Founder: Torben, Soeborg, DK |
Ars Baltica is a forum for multilateral cultural cooperation... The intention is to enhance cultural identity in the Baltic Sea Region and also to realize projects of European significance. Its goal is to implement common
projects, which in terms of structure and concept are more than the traditional form of bilateral cultural exchange and also to help these projects to become as existing networks of individuals and organisations.
http://www.ars-baltica.net/article/current |
Insa Art Space of the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul, Rep. Korea Insa Art Space of the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation opened in 2000 with a new exhibition space
for artists who express a new creative 'language'. Now the space is becoming a center for reseach and development in the visual arts that encourages artists to make use of a specialized archive, to hold
ongoing workshops and finally to realize unlimited imagination into production. http://www.insaartspace.or.kr / http://www.kcaf.or.kr |
40JAHREVIDEOKUNST/Digitales Erbe: Symposium zur Videokunst in Deutschland von 1963 bis heute: 1.+2.7.2005 im K21/D�sseldorf, D. Tagungsbericht von Tasja Langenbach, Kunsthistorikerin in ArtHist 7/05: �Vierzig Jahre Videokunst in Deutschland boten Anlass nicht
nur f�r einen R�ckblick, sondern besonders f�r die Ausein- andersetzung mit der Zukunft dieser Kunstform. .... Mit Vortr�gen aus Theorie und Praxis wurde zum einen der Frage
nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung historisch, praktisch, aber auch theoretisch der zunehmenden Digitalisierung von
analoger in digitale Information beigemessen werden muss; zum anderen berichteten K�nstler, Wissenschaftler, Museums- u.
Archivmitarbeiter, Galeristen sowie Vertreter der Industrie �ber ihre diesbez�glichen Probleme und Erfahrungen......�
Fortsetzung PDF download und http://www.40jahrevideokunst.de |