Euroscreen21projects-2005. Theme: Point of View
All videos online in cooperation with http://www.BORINGART.com (Start: March 2005)
Net-Art Projects: Deadline for net-art: 12/2005.
Send your links to: contact (at) ba-no.de
http://www.tompro.co.uk Gair Dunlop and Dan Norton. UK. "The archives are full of obsolete futures..."
Suzi Webster, Canada (documetary video on a multi-media installation)
Boris du Boullay, France http://www.elasticgroup.com/new_project/home.html Elastic-Group of Artistic Research, Alexander Ladaga and Silvia Mateiga, I/E
http://www.ctrl-z.org/zankov/projects/in_progress/time_move_en.htm Ventsislav Zankov, Bulgaria
http://www.i-i-i-i.org/plasma/ Automata: Tanja Vujinovic and Zvonka Simcic, SLO
Genco GULAN, Turkey. �Interactive web-art piece..�
Marcello Mercado, "Global Economy", netart, thema: stock.exchange.volatility req.:Explorer5 or/+ Java enabled Flash plug-in 7
http://www.grenze.fr.vu Patrick Fontana, F, video performance Grenze (2D+3D comp.animation) according to the Capital of Karl Marx
Jos� Miguel Biscaya. 3 interactive photographs and an interactive video
Gameplay, a confrontation of choreography and programmed visual art, by Antoine Schmitt, Jean-Marc Matos, Anne Holst, F
http://incident.net/works/standard/ STANDARD V.1 by Gr�gory Chatonsky... fragments of dialog are postered... with V. Bernard, K. Dermineur, N. Rousseau,
http://www.incident.net/works/src/ Src...as mosaics of details.. visible in entire...Two parts: "Public"... post an image+"Private" only modified by Reynald Drouhin, F. |